Self Made Man…..vs the Self made Woman
Class membership may be achieved through lots of luck and support from others. Of course it can be ascribed through inheritance. An open class system exists when class mobility is difficult. If mobility is rare, or impossible these classes are called Castes and tend to preserve their isolation through endogamy, like the white caste in South Africa or cases of India.
Hereditary classes in Hindu society distinguishes by relative degrees of ritual purity or pollution and social status members of lower “Castes.” The system of dividing society into hereditary classes. Castes have survived among Goa’s Christians. Any class a group of people who inherited exclusive privileges or are perceived as socially distinct for example…those educated in private schools belong to privileged castes or classes.
Castes or Classes are a division of society based on differences of wealth, inherited ranks or privilege, occupation, or Race. The position conferred by Caste. It is a class system that is determined by birth,
What then are the socially disadvantaged?
You are born into poordom and are unable to reach full potentiality in some democracies. You are born to fail because of class systems based on differences of wealth, inherited ranks of privilege, occupation or Race…and some of us a way more than one Race in fact have no Race. We are hybrids. We came from Evolution. But am I an infidel? Am I a heretic? Am I a witch? Am I a Race? What is Race?
Race is based on a social construct that groups of people are based on physical traits, while ethnicity is a cultural identity that groups of people based on shared and lived patterns of experiences.
There is nothing about diffusion, hybrids, homo sapiens, biological organisms living in a biological biosphere, it is just based on appearances. Nothing about diffusion in this above statement, or patterns of living similarly, inclusive of diffusion of accepted integrated patterns of other cultures. For example foods cooked. Language shared. Highways shared. Streets and community shared. Schooling shared. But what is species?
What is a medical term for a baby born along with all our physical, mental, and biochemistry that makes us human, the ones who belong to the human Race? We are hybrids. What is a hybrid? Can you imagine being categorized as a non human because of physical appearance? Skin cells or a skin organ that is there to protect your inner organs from oxidizing, being given as a definition of identity. How does skin colour of skin cells on a skin organ, meant to protect my organs from oxidizing identify me? Am I not a species?
Imagine being determined human or not based on a sexual organ. Vagina or penis. I am not human because I have a vagina? I am allowed to be raped because I am female with a vagina. I am not allowed to tell you who females are, as only males get to do that and call us a rib. I am allowed to be assaulted because we are females with a vagina. Imagine being told because you are born with a vagina, and into a class system, you can be assaulted, raped, trafficked, have no health from family clinics, and can have your uteri removed. So no health, no money, because you are female, and because you are a female your duty you perform is less worthy than the male, and all of this because I was born with a vagina. I am apparently not worthy to warn for dangers, because I am born with a vagina, and the male moves right in and takes over, disregarding everything you stand for and you are politically accused of having an affair. The political group drowning your right out completely, if you have a vagina, and how dare you speak up for abuse of our children, or offspring of females. The ageism horrendous because only young have a voice as young are more important than those who already worked for the wealthy.
The American idea of a self made person being exposed as a myth when females take their stand. It has been an ideology of heroism, of the huge wondrous male able to conquer anything they wish, but females just a rib. Keep them in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant. I am tired of being obligated to females, I heard some say with a full right of saying it. We want to go boating and fishing. I will take your children if you misbehave. Imagine being told these things. Your life is unworthy but my life is worthy because after all…look who I am. My books I give are better than your books you give. So be it. What do you know. You are nothing but a pain and get in our way and this said by the Great Green Berets.
Well thank you. Last time I offer any instinct or intuition, or energy toward letting you know your kids are being shot and this being an action against the Geneva Convention, or the Geneva Protocol, and facts you should know for self preservation.
Written by Carolyn d Hogarth a hybrid.
In less than one in a million can make an upward run. What does that even mean? Page 102, Cultural Anthropology. People’s of Present and Past.