Shower the People with Love…the Should be Anthem of the World
This is the hardest piece of writing I have ever had to do, because I must let go of a dream I have always had for Peace for our human population. Peace for Humanity I know now is just a pipe dream. So excuse me if I break down in tears so often writing this one piece of sharing data. I see why my Grandmother Mary and I both go to Purgatory, from a Hell on earth. I am nearing 80 this next birthday, and know I have cancer, but prefer to just leave earth now. I am tired of living a Pipe dream of hope when I see the damage being done to the creator of life. My tears never stop running. I cannot bare the pain of seeing the Truth of humanity. I know what it should be, but reality says, “not the momma.” Walking along side by something I cannot be part. I do not belong. I only Love, I will not hurt others, and hate.
A human born to the female xx chromosome heterosexual is a homo sapien hybrid, unique in DNA, RNA, and protein, which is my individual makeup. We as humans are not born as tribes, Nations, countries, religions, lands, but as a Mother’s and Father’s offspring, of the xx chromosomes, and xy chromosomes hybrids. We do not belong to governments, they are to work for us, not kill us.
These hybrids are biological organisms made of all kinds of systems such as the sense systems, central nervous systems, autonomous nervous systems, biochemistry systems, kreb cycle, receptors, ions, and so much more like neurons, and dendrites, where everything happens. Our perception makes us uniquely different than others, and our communication tries to show ideologies, ethics, morals and our Values of similarity so we can exist side by side through out our lives. We are different animals than other biological organisms that count on our biosphere for survival and existence of the homo sapiens according to anthropology. We are made of carbons, water, nitrogen, methane and compounded bio-chemistry.
Since 2019 our evolved biologies have been attacked by a man made sequence of 12 bases plus a human enzyme to attack the human biology. This sequence plus human enzyme has targeted the Ace 2 in a number of cells in the human body. We have lost over 20 million people as I write this data down for you to read, and I can barely write it without falling to my knees, saying why and screaming. I must continue this writing as I believe people need to know what Love is. I should be able to write this without breaking in two. I said this morning, “I feel like an egg. But turn me over easy.”
For 8 years I tried to write about “Love for self, and for others.” This is a necessary absolute concrete proven idea of “God is Love.” It is necessary for the fragile human homo sapien who is indeed fragile in the Universe. Homo Sapiens have fragile human senses, biology, but our pleading as creators goes unheard by some, as wars rage on in our world right now, still occurring amidst this man made sequence covid 19, a human hosted variant called B.A. 2. 86 is still raging among the hosts, and denial still evident. It shows itself in different disease forms and so many births are born deformed right now in 2023, from this variant, leaving mothers devastated.
The entry into systems is dependent on the individual targeted cell. The autopsies of Dr. Mike Hansen, the data from Med Cram, the shared world wide data from Dr. John Campbell from England proved that. It has shown in the research I did with my education, my knowledge, my wisdom, and research to be Truth, although denied by many.
The binding of the spike to cellular receptors (Hoffman 2020) proves my knowledge to be Truth and to be true about the autopsies shown by Dr. Mike Hansen, in 2020. It was impossible to be able to warn everyone. You have to know from my heart to yours, no matter what is said or done, or where the future goes, or no matter who you are, I tried to warn you. This one event has broken me completely, my heart aches everyday for humanity about how the human race responded to a woman who knew.
Israel being attacked by Islamist terrorists again, who believe they are the ultimate Gods of our existence as creators of life. To see how many creators they have cancelled and wiped off the face of the earth for words of a religion that preaches nothing but hate for others. They killed aimlessly more Jewish people that have a God of Love. They killed for no reason in 2023, 1400 children, mothers, fathers, friends, creators and offspring at a music concert leaving me as a grand mother in Pergatory, a relentless ongoing hell with no hope. Tears are of Mary’s and mine forever. I love love, and do not love hate. Not the momma!
I wander under the star of David, looking for where I belong.
Nuremberg code where do I belong?
Geneva convention…where do I belong?
Not the Mom-ma.
Just an egg. CDH