Symptoms Before the Vaccine was Found for Covid 19, in 2019 – 2020 till about June, July, Symptoms Reported During 2019, 2020, 2021, and Long Haul Symptoms in 2021 Report on CBC
When I first learned of Covid 19 as a leak from the Wuhan Lab that was reported on NTD with Dr. Li Wenliang, and seconded by Dr. Montagnier, who said that the French had helped open this Lab in cooperation with the Chinese doing Research, and Dr. Li Meng Yan who did an investigation of the Lab Leak that Dr. Li Wenliang reported, and her family was betrayed by the World Health Organization, that apparently dissed Ms. Yan and reported her investigation of a conspiracy back to the CCP, it left me with a terrible distrust of what was going on. Still does in 2021.
It was a conspiracy because I reported this virus to the authorities. In the first couple of months reports came in on what the virus was doing to other country’s populations. There were reports on the news, from Doctors on youtube, from MSNBC, from CBC, from MED-CRAM, from Dr. John Campbell, and Dr. Mike Hansen, and now some of the symptoms that were reported are being blamed today by the vaccines activists. I know in 2024, the vaccines efficacy only lasted about 3 months, and the Pharmaceutical Companies were expecting better, but this is fact. They could not keep up with the new variations of new variants being produced by the hosts, and asymptomatic persons who were spreading the variants by air, breathing, sneezing, coughing, and just gathering. All the young were livid about their rights being infringed on, but it was a man made group of sequences that could kill them, and it was made to attack our biology. This is strange behaviour to me, as I followed all instructions to a tea to keep myself from spreading any of the virus that was meticulously spliced together according to Dr. Montagnier in that Wuhan Lab for Bio-warfare. He knew.
I have been writing down my information keeping tabs on the going on of all around us to try to keep Colin and I and my own family, and friends alive.
Dr. Li Wenliang knows this, Dr. Yan knows this, Wuhan China knows this, Dr. Mike Hansen, who nearly lost his own life, knows how dangerous this man made group of viruses, spliced together was more dangerous than a naturally made virus. Covid 19 a multi-sequenced meticulously spliced together group of viruses, in Gain of Function research, spread so fast, and kept mutating into different forms. It spread on ship tours, it spread especially in European countries like India, where millions died from not having enough oxygen tanks because the virus was going after the Respiratory System, the lungs, and lung lining. Little did they know it was going after all organs, and the brain too in white and grey matter, the Frontal Temporal area and the area 4 that supports muscle movements. It sent everyone into a state of anxiety. Myself included because at that time, our kids were being trafficked, sexually abused by Powerful males in governments, killed in schools, having to March for their lives. The people who travelled from Wuhan to go on a Ship tour all were docked and many killed from the group of sequences. This group of sequences had a human enzyme targeting the human for host. It was killing so many, it was terrifying. No one was prepared for the genome project, and this Virus set off one big world of wars, within and outside of our countries. Buildings were being burned down, Racism rose it’s ugly head, Churches were burnt, and hate rose with supply and demand truckers who believed they were being singled out as victims and because gas and food was not available on the supply roads. Everything was closed down. Palestine attacked Israel, Russia attacked Ukraine, Yemen, Houti’s, Hazbellah, Hamas, attacked whoever they felt like attacking, and world wide chaos erupted.
Multi – Sequences were causing multiple symptoms:
(1) coagulation of the blood
(2) cytokine storms
(3) Heart problems with dead cells, like my0carditis, pericarditis, and thickening of the blood to sticky substance.
(4) the Nose was being attacked in cells, and people were losing their smell
(5) taste was being lost from covid
(6) hearing was being lost
(7) sight was being lost from covid.
(8) lungs, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal system,
(9) the bowels were being effected.
(10) neuro – degeneration was occurring, along with alzheimers, parkinsons, muscle diseases became dominant among some of the victims.
(11) Many were having problems with balance and needed walkers because their muscles were not working right
(12) It was attacking the skin organ going through the skin cells and leaving sores and rashes as babies in New York and Chicago were showing up to hospitals.
800 people travelled from Wuhan and got onto a ship for a tour, and the ship pulled into Port and transmitted a bunch of the sequences symptoms onto a group of unsuspecting passengers. The ship personnel and passengers were told to stay put and isolate on the ship. By this time we knew that Lab workers had died from the Wuhan Lab. These lab workers who spliced these sequences of viruses together had spread the virus sequences through out their own communities. Slowly our borders started closing down, and communities, stores, and families and friends were not allowed to visit for fear of spreading the virus that could kill us all. We were required to wear a mask. It was requested to take vitamins C, D, Zinc, K and A, B complex, and turmeric, garlic and ginger in our foods when we cooked, and gel our hands repeatedly. The door handles were to be sterilized, the doors, counters, bathrooms, and making sure we were not spreading any vapours around. This was an Airborne attack on our biology, that could spread by 27 feet, according to the research of Dr. Mike Hansen.
The Chinese Communist Party would not share the sequences or what had been done, and kept their silence, but many of us knew. They blew up the places were this stuff was being created.
Oh! Oh! we were in trouble with health issues now. United Nations said nothing, and it was like a conspiracy of the worst kind. There was no one wanting to take responsibility for it. Trump and the Republicans who had been funding the research in Wuhan, after Obama had shut that research down, kept saying it was all a “hoax,” and this was getting results of a mixture that were so destructive. Dr. Fauci who was the head of Health in the United States of America seemed reluctant to say a thing. I kept writing I knew where it came from, and I knew who it was, and I knew how it was done, because everyone was sharing what they could. Leaving so many people vulnerable to this attack on out biology that was airborne, and the young in particular. I could have gladly rung Donald Trump’s neck for this. What a stupid thing to say. It is a “hoax.” This was leaving so many people vulnerable, and what was he doing? People just started dropping dead one after another when it hit. There was over a million people in the USA alone that died from this release from Wuhan. I was typing and researching as fast as i could every day, and I never stopped feeling sick for 9 years, almost 12 hours at least a day to try and warn people. I wanted our children protected but no one was listening. Until I said, “Hail Mary full of Grace.”
I know my own government tried to hide what was happening and even tried to accuse me of having bipolar. I was horrified when Dr. Tam the head of health made that accusation. I didn’t have bipolar. Where did she get that information from? I had two sisters with bipolar, but just because they have the DNA for bipolar does not mean others have bipolar in the family. I had not spoke to my family for over 40 years because of gossip. And here they were back in my life again as I was trying my hardest to save the children from this group of sequences, a biological warfare on our biology from Wuhan. That is what Dr. Montagnier had said, and he was a Nobel Peace Prize winner from France that knew about Wuhan because he said that France had helped start up that Lab. I could believe Trump who called it a hoax, and hoaxes do not kill people like in India, or believe Dr. Montagnier. I made my choice. I knew biology from studies. But I did not know the sequences they had spliced together, but I knew it was attacking human, homo sapien biology. Why governments were lieing to people to this day baffles me, except they didn’t know about biology? People were suppose to be professionals and they were acting anything but.
Dr. Tam said that I was bipolar to Rachel, and I caught her doing it, and Rachel said, “Good Catch.” No this was a lab leak and Dr. Li Wenliang bless his hide on New Tang Dynasty Television reported this leak from the Lab in Wuhan. Later his report was removed and changed from a live report from in front of a building, to a picture of him being bedridden, and connected to an oxygen tank, but dead. I reported everything I knew to my government.
Everything from Dr. Fauci and President Trump was not reported at this time. Apparently Fauci was silenced from telling the truth. Everything from Dr. Fauci to Doctor Trump was not reported as apparently the Health group were silenced. If you have a group of sequences that are man made from a biological warfare Lab, you had better report it to the populations around the world because if you are found out you will be reported to the World Court. Today in 2021 there were over 800,000 people who died from the group of sequences, and it was because this man in the States they call the President was calling it a “hoax” when he was telling the Sky New Australia, that it was from the Wuhan lab in China. He called it the Chinese virus.
I was watching all these symptoms accumulate from these attacks and all these people dying, around the world;
(1) (fatigue) the immune system
(2) the heart cells and heart destruction with holes in the heart itself coming the cells dieing
(3) the skin cells themselves breaking out in sore red rashes , and red as can be and open sores on some children in New York that were shown on youtube on the news
(4)the kidney organ itself with cells being dead and blackened from the sequences from Wuhan
(5) the blood flow having coagulation from the virus entering the body
(6) the hair cells or follicles falling out
(7) the bowel cells as any orifice was victimized by this attack entering our body
(8) nose cells as it attacked the nose for smell and left many with no smell at all.
(9) Eye cells were attacked by the group of sequences leaving some blind from the attack on our biology
(10) Ear cells were attacked by this biological group of sequences and the spike proteins, that could get into the cells themselves. Also the cells of the brain in area 17 attacked with visual being affected.
(11) it was reported that the orifice of the anal area was subject to entry from the virus too, as the excretion of feces was another way you could catch this group of sequences with spike proteins attacking our cells. So this left the medical community quite concerned with septic systems in community, and they started checking the sewage systems for problems so they would not send any viruses down the way to other communities. Monkey Pox became a disorder too. Cancer were on the rise, and heart attack victims all around us.
(12) the respiratory system and lung lining cells were vulnerable to the sequence attack
(13) The immune system was deeply overwhelmed by this attack on our organs, senses, brain neurons, and any orifice on our body, plus the thalamicspinal tract, the corticospinal tract, cerebellular spinal tract, the tonsils, and the gastrointestinal system. The antigens were consistantly overpowering antibodies so that the immune systems was definitely being overwhelmed by this group of sequences that had been spliced together along with a human enzyme that was to target the host. Not a bat, but the human homo sapien, the biological organism that counts on it’s biological biosphere for survival.
(14) The efficacy of the vaccines seem to go down around 3 months, and some combinations of vaccines that were being used were not working. This group of sequences overwhelmed the human system very quickly. It was attacking our DNA, our mitochondria and the homeostasis, our energy force, and the liver was made toxic and it started producing misfolding proteins, which turned the blood veins into clot carrying, sometimes as long as 24 inches long, and this found by embalmers getting bodies ready for burial. The DNA through the Ace 2 attack from spike proteins in the nucleus, were able to tunnel through, and the T and B cells were unable to keep up to the attack.
(15) By the time that the B.1.1.529 came out in 2021 in November it was a variation that had 32 mutations, 10 binders that changed. The variations were getting stronger as the Y repeatedly are mutating in the host called homo sapien because people were not obeying protocol of a warfare attack on our biology. They were very suspicious that this was done on purpose, and they were not wanting their rights taken away from them, so they would rebel but in that rebellion did not consider the consequences of these variations getting stronger and stronger. Now we have babies being born so deformed vs such standards of normalcy. The people were asked to wear masks, but some would not. They would not quit travelling or isolate. They were asked to filter air through Heppa filters that had electromagnetic ways of collecting the particles of vapour and breath down to .03 mg. Spacing if you coughed or sneezed was 27 feet according to Dr. Mike Hansen’s research but no one was listening. Hands were to be sterilized so these sequences that were targeting the human host through the enzyme, would be transmitted from person to person who had just started having their first vaccines in early 2021, and then some were unwilling to take the vaccine because of lack of trust.
(16) Looking at all the organs, sense intake orifices, the neuronal damage, and the tracts of the cortical, thalamic, and the cerebellular tracts, the gastrointestinal area, and muscle areas being effected was so noticeable, and the neuronal degeneration that occurred was terrible, proving evidence wise that it was not just a flu. It was a terrible biological warfare attack on our biology, and it is still effecting birth rates today in 2024, as some babies are still born and others struggling to stay alive.
This attack on our biology was consistantly downplayed by the Americans because they could not believe their own government was supporting this type of research called Gain of Function, that was so dangerous to human survival. Because of this huge faux pas, the genome project was a complete bust. It has put the human population and our females at the biggest risk ever in our history.
These are facts up to the date of the end of 2021.
Written from notes done and researched by Carolyn d Hogarth and from doctors who have contributed what ever they could. This was never about philosophy, but just trying to inform people of their biological organism bodies, that are dependent on our environment for adaptation and survival and all I knew about 40 years of study of so many disciplines. Many were so religious and not educated in biology, and knew nothing about biology or neuroscience, and did not know how this attack would effect the homo sapien population. FACTS trying to keep our children alive was my goal with the help of many.
The optimum brain being my concern because of the autopsies of 2020, that were shown by Dr. Mike Hansen. I knew what those autopsies meant. CDH