The OrthoNasal Processing System for Smelling take in Airflow and Vapour from our Biosphere.

The OrthoNasal Processing System for Smelling take in Airflow and Vapour from our Biosphere.

In DNA substitutions, and mutations, it can alter the DNA and types of DNA splicing that occur, as splicing can be done by RNA polynase. So those tiny differences can be eye colour, a nose size, or we can perceive the smell of odours differently in the orthonasal system of process. Now we are 99.9% the same, so when I say we are born hybrids, it is little things like colours, or sizes that make the differences, and those are caused by deletions, substitutions, and insertions of DNA genes, but it does not mean we are not precious in his sight. Oh yes we are! We are born in his image.

Depending on perception, we can All tell that you are the homo sapien that comes from Africa and one little homo sapien group there in a country where so much life has occurred from the beginning of time. These evolving beings have been around for thousands and thousands of years. This is not a crime to know this, as I consider it knowledge and wisdom of understanding the beautiful homo sapien of Mothers and Fathers. Mary Jesus’s Mother, knew the beauty of the human being, and showed the beauty to Jesus,  through Loving behaviours, and he related it by doing, and treating his neighbors with the same way he wanted to be loved.

Jesus, Myself and You, the reader have a sense of smell from the very beginning of our existence that is wondrous and connected through the orth0nasal process. Let me tell you about it.

A sense of smell remains important for survival and adaptation just like it did in the beginning. It warns us of hazards and hazardous substances. Smell has a chemical sense. Specialized receptors in the nasal cavity detect incoming molecules entering on air currents of vapour droplets. It is an automatic reflex action to smell something attracting your attention, like flowers, smoke, food, and oranges for example. When you smell something, then electrical impulses are sent to the Olfactory Receptors in the “Limbic System”of the brain, and sent from the nasal olfactory receptors high up in the nasal cavity for processing data of smell. There are about a 1000 different types of receptor cells in the naval cavity that can distinguish smells. Each receptor responds to smells and it has zones on it, which respond to smell “MOLECULES.”

A specific molecule or smell will activate a specific pattern or “array” across the receptors and each smell has it’s own signature. This pattern is activated by the receptor,  activating it’s own signature pattern and pathway to process the molecule data.

Odour molecules bind to the “Cilia”activate the process and 8 smells that trigger these processes, are camphorous, fishy, malty, minty, musky, spermiatic, sweaty, and urinous.Molecule structures can produce differing smells. “Octanol,” a fatty alcohol smell is like an orange smell, but “Octanoic Acid,”  and the saturated fatty acids differ from Octanol by 1 Oxygen atom, and smell like sweat.

The Olfactory bulb is part of the limbic system. So you register a smell and it sends electrical impulses to the olfactory bulb in the nostril cavity, sending it off to the limbic system for processing. It goes off to the higher center in the brain and this process is called “Orthonasal Process,” in which smell data travels along pathways to the “Retro Nasal frontal lobes,” and can include mouth and taste from tongue receptors. In this process, odours are processed on the same side of the brain, not on the opposite side of the nasal sensory system, by data taken in through smell in the nose from airflow.

The “Medial Orbital frontal Cortex” receives the data and processes the signals of the odour molecule from airflow and the Olfactory bulb cilia and the “Orbital frontal Cortex, and the “Lateral Orbital frontal Cortex,” and the “Supporting Cells,” process from the pattern, the sense data received from the nose.

The Olfactory receptor cells are known as the “Epithelium,” which is covered with mucus and these cells can dissolve in this mucus. Support cells provide an ongoing amount of mucus. The “Basal Cells” produce an ongoing amount of “Receptor cells.” Both cells needed for this process. Dogs as you know have sensitive smell signature patterns in their LARGE Epithelium, in comparison to humans. Their sense of smell is far greater than the homo sapien.

So we know that smell comes in the nasal chamber, and Receptor cells made by Basal cells, detect odour, and relay data along the fibres, and off the cells go to the Olfactory tract to the Olfactory Cortex. The Amygdala receives the signals from the Olfactory Cortex pathways that spell danger, and this generates the emotion and feeling of fear. The Orthonasal evokes memory of perceived smell, because those Olfactory areas developed and evolved early on in Evolution,  and they are wired into the “Primitive Brain” and are vital  for human homo sapien survival.

Smells of Nasty or Neutral are subjective. Olfactory areas of the brain can be triggered without the participant’s knowledge, or what is known as “Subconsciously.” FMRI’s show the Thalamus is even involved when exposure to smells are detected consciously,  or unconsciously.

The Olfactory cells are in the Limbic System, which is close to the Amygdala, only 2 synapses away, from the Olfactory Bulb, and the Hippocampus is only 3 synapses away from the Olfactory nasal system. The Hippocampus is associated with “Memory” when evoked by smell and is linked to the emotion system of the Amygdala and then connected to the Limbic system.

(Marcel Proust in 1871 said smell and taste remain poised as long time memories remind us)…..My example of what he means is;  My Grandmother baked home made bread with my mother, and that smell triggers my need to make homemade bread just for the smell and taste. I have been doing that for years. It is my conditioning of that memory that makes me enjoy making, eating, and I smelling home made bread cooking in my oven, just because of old memories.

We do have memory feedback systems in our brain, in the limbic systems, Olfactory systems, taste systems, hearing systems, touching systems,  sight systems, in the Amygdala, and the Hippocampus, memory systems, and the Lateral Orbital Cortex, and the Medial Orbital Cortex, and even down the brain stem, with nasal pathways or entry into sense pathways. Amputation of a leg for example, proves this theory, because memory makes a person feel their leg, when amputated and gone. But the memory remains in the  Amygdala for example, with it’s memory, learning system and emotion system. The leg will remain always in memory.

Now you must remember we are 99.9% the same as each other, except for .1% which is caused by deletions, substitutions, and insertions of new sequence forms. Telomeres protect the ends of a Chromosome from being frayed and tangled, but each time a cell divides the telomere gets shorter and shorter and sometimes the cell dies. There are substitutions, and mutations that alter cell expression, and even in the DNA of viruses. The types of RNA splicing that were spoken about is made by RNA polymase. Insertions with meticulously spliced sequences.

Those tiny differences of eye colour or nose size or height differences or male and female genders, and other genders, plus perception differences,  make our lives wondrous and you have to have good “Hearing Systems” to understand a few differences of the homo sapien. But always remember we All came from “ONE” group of homo sapiens in Africa. It is in fact knowledge and Wisdom to know how to treat the neighbor who might look a little different, but is in fact your neighbor needing your love and respect from you, as you need from your neighbor. Never hurt that miracle of a Mother standing beside you. Jesus knew that. Everyone prefers to be Loved and Jesus’s message was, “Treat thy neighbor with love and you wish to be loved,” because every person is a special miracle with some passion waiting to be expressed.

Written by Carolyn d Hogarth


What if I only thought of myself and not others too?





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