The Rainbow………. Written by Carolyn d Hogarth years & years before 2015

The Rainbow………. Written by Carolyn d Hogarth years & years before 2015

Rising…Its Dawn

I hear

A clap of thunder

A gentle lightening

Laying it’s hands on earth

By  sheets

Pallid…..Soft and Slow

Stillness…..flanking, mellow echoes

Birds sing……and Dawn beckons

A rainbow meeting,

Of a long and narrow highway,

Colours beyond belief

Superior Skies….swallowed in depths of blue,

Eve far away, appeared superimposed,

This dome of paint splatters

Where does it lead?

Is it to a pot of Gold?

Or Only to a Place on Earth

Where golden shadows glow?

Sweeping a paint brush

with bright golden yellow,

with ample views of mellow,

Turquoise plunging the horizon,

Stroking tree tops of sap green

A rainbow that is shadowless

And rarely ever seen,

A pull of red

Explosive like a rose,

Announces the arrival

And where the rainbow goes,

Endorsing my ensuing

Heaven’s laughter swells,

I typify this glory,

As Nature gifting Love-Spells.


I wrote this poem October 23rd of 2002, when driving down a highway, and saw this beautiful rainbow, after a storm, and it was so vivid……so bright in colour. But I wrote it, because it was what I experienced and such a blessed experience. Just like some perceive paintings that can be interpreted as heavenly, I also have a perspective that can see heaven in experiences. But I see God, and heaven in the individual experiences that I perceive through my own reunein cells. My reunein cells that recall my own education, wisdom, instincts, intuition, knowledge in the strong sense, along with Universal knowledge right through to the quark, that goes round and round, up and down, and the electro-vibration, electromagnetic, betwixt polars, and outside earth,  Scientific and Spirituality inclusive in my perspective. I see heaven in people, in music, in my environment, all around me, and heaven far outweighs, and outnumbers evil.

Our biological organisms, being in our biological biosphere are some of the most magical creatures that Nature has ever made, and that is inclusive of every and All creation. We are loving creatures, forgiving, and always learning from every experience. 2015 to 2023, I saw attacks on our female xx chromosome binary, heterosexual who loves males that I will not talk about no more, as I close my eyes. We were biologically attacked by a bio-warfare in November of 2019, warned because we hosted this sequence into new variants that gave us false positive readings, because it changed our DNA helix in the cell. People walked around thinking they were negative in carrying the virus once they had it, but no they were hosting as it changed itself into something new and presented itself as a new form of disease. I saw people getting muscle diseases, presenting aphasia, dropping over from myocarditis, pericarditis, from liver cells dying, lung and lung lining cells dying, and needing oxygen, plus cancers on the uptick in number, brain cells in the prefrontal temporal area of the brain, dying, and area 4 the supplementary area cells dying, white and grey matter in the brain, and in the spinalthalamic tract white and grey mater with cells showing signs of dead cells, and no one could figure out why. I warned and warned, but no one heard me. Finally Dr. Malone came on the “Intellectual People Channel” and admitted I was right, and I said thank you for his honesty. I am off Facebook now and X, and will not be going back. I was a threat to Science, so got nothing but flack as a woman from other women, and political persona’s, even though I just wanted our kids safe. Dr. Hansen showed the autopsies to prove my point in June of 2020, and Dr. Malone finally admitted honesty on December 14th 2023. The damage is undoable. Love Spells come and go from All Nature.

2015 to 2023 December.

I am Gone fishing but my Love Spells are over….

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