The Story of “Neo Classism Liberalism and Perspectives of Aristotle, Chomsky, and Carolyn d Hogarth”

The Story of “Neo Classism Liberalism and Perspectives of Aristotle, Chomsky, and Carolyn d Hogarth”

Chapter 3

Let’s look and see…Is  Tuscan really an Athens for Philosophy?  Are Physicists our best friends or do they hide Truth from the poor and the middle class? These are the people who cannot afford higher education because of wages. So are they a  philosophers’ dream? If this philosophy is a Philosopher’s knowledge, or knowledge of misinformation, how would we know? But then the Elite yell at the poor, saying how dumb you really are. Well then let me tell you the truth now. Why can we not stand the truth if poor are so dumb, naive, and not a specific doctor of your philosophy? But living in Schopenhauer’s world. Or Einstein’s world where Special Relativity is a factor of life. Women have a perfect right to say our future is Trans. But can be put to death in some countries for not being a rib of a man from some of man’s ideologies. So is it logical that Tuscan is an Athens for Philosophy. No! Canada is.

Let’s look at Canada first. We put tribes of people in place ahead of the hybrid. Tribes and how this depletes democracy in Canada. There are 375 tribes of people that went their own ways because they cannot stand each other.  They hate our system, and hate democracy until they want help. These tribes want their land back, and do not follow our Laws of elections or democracies or Veterans day together under 1 flag. They want a different veterans day. They do not obey our laws of Economics and attack our democracy. They do not like our schools of education, health care programs, Laws, governing abilities, and use this Pandemic for their tribe’s advantages. They talk Racism, and I talk homo sapien, and biological organism and climatology. They use democracies, and tax payers and take advantage of them. They stop us on our highways and tell us how white-men abuse their rights, which is unrealistic because white man is skin cells built to protect the organs from oxidizing. Do they mean cells of skin? They used this Pandemic of sequences that were a biological war on all our bodies, and attacked us for their advantage. They played politics with our lives. Instead of staying masked with masks, or using air filters, or with correct space between people, they are too busy digging for graves trying to prove our intent for killing their children, when I had nothing to do with anything but studies of disciplines. Trying to prove me a Racist, and trying to look for bodies that we must have intentionally killed. I did none of it. Saying I am a Racist. I had nothing to do with Residential Schools, and I studied our homeland Canada and our Western Historical Studies and Anthropological data and obtain an awareness of bones and stones.

What kind of rebel is this? They don’t believe there is a Pandemic and call the white man a pig. They don’t believe air should be filtered and don’t believe in our economy, mind you with Oligarchs owning 97% of the money, I have to say I agree in some economical statements, because I have to compete for 3% of the money out of 8 billion people. Where did our democracy go? What happened to it?  They are out digging up graves from Residential schools in a biowarfare time, to prove that we are Racists, but not protecting themselves from biological biowarfare, spreading via air and breathing, hosting, out and about and gathering for Public picnics. So where is our democracy?I am a tax payer and isolated for protection of others from an airborne disease made by man with a human enzyme.

I ask are we even close to being one? 375 Nations who dissed me for what? Money?  40 million given to them and more. They want water, but don’t want to listen to tax payers, that we are broke. Do you mind if we look after our infrastructure, our flag, our Maple Leaf forever that you hate? (Canadian. A biological organism)

If Democracy requires we live under the same Laws of Christianity in court systems,  and they don’t believe in Christianity, how does that work for a Democracy? Science information that I provide is based on data of Empirical information. Okay lets say we are egg layers like Turtles.  Well do not want to be part of that? Our spirit comes from turtles.  Egg layers. How does that work for Law? We have oxytocin biochemicals that prove the existence of a love molecule. It only comes from within to outside environments.

Our Economics, and the First Nations is trashed by attacking us and stopping trains with supplies running for food to get to All Canadians. How does that work for the economy for all? Is anyone eating? They constantly call our philosophies RACISTS which they are not. Colonialism is not wanted on their lands, and they want to speak in our government not in French, not in English, but in 375 languages not recognized in Canada as politically correct.

Education is trashed by them, and some break into our McGill University.  Our religions trashed, and Churches burned down. Laws trashed via killing families.  Family services trashed as they are never good enough. School System trashed and never right about History. Even charity trashed. The reason they hate our system is that our system is based on Colonialism. Did we all not work together for our country to exist in a Democracy with Empiricism to gather facts of human existence?

What happened to Canada and our forefathers and Confederation?  What happened to Confederation? How is this a declared Democracy? A country divided within, never stands, because it divides and Falls. We are a group of hybrids or little communities filled with cultures from other Nations, that have segregated into groups where similarity seems to clamour together. These little groups build a community of their homeland culture, and are more Danish than Danish. More Swedish than Swedish, or more Iranian than Iran, or more Indigenous than Indigenous. But never the trains shall meet to a Canadian tax payer who pays for all of this. We could discuss Philosophy for the rest of our lives, but never the twain shall meet in this environment of extremism.  That is not a Democracy, but it is an alliance of a bunch of groups under one governing power, but we are not aligned.  This is 400 separate Nations of segregated homo sapiens that have their own communities of familiarity, that are filled with similarity and everyone visits them, but do we all have a similar alliance for Peace, Harmony and Honouring life, and absolutely “NO” is the answer.

I walked for “All” Children and I am the Racist according to some. I walked for All children and they dissed me for finding dead bodies from the Residential schools. This was in a time when groups of gene sequences from biological warfare were  ramped up and you could die from gathering,  if you got covid 19. Today for whatever reason, Racism seems ramped again. I do not know how groups can be Racist especially in melding pots. Just before I got off the tv today on youtube, on December 17th 2024,  there was a person saying Elon Musk comes from Africa where there was an apartied and Elon just wants only white children born. That is RACISM. He wants everyone to have just white kids. Wow. In the first place All Children are listening to that statement and its not really great teachings. Leadership or fatherhood should never be based on Racism. Leadership of this kind, leads to wars as it divides.

We have Laws of Economies, Laws of education, Laws of Nature to follow, Laws of Correspondence, Laws of Correlations, Laws of Action, Physical Laws, Laws of Cause and Effect, Laws in Religion, Laws in Evolution in secular belief systems, in highway Laws of transporting goods and services, laws in tax paying, and laws of infrastructure like our bridges and highways, laws of respect for individual’s lives, and for culture of us all. It is called community. What happened to our Confederation that has an Alliance from a number of groups of cultures. Provinces and Territories,  and huge amounts of communities of different cultures.

Everyone only believes in their own culture which is better than anyone else’s culture. Everyone believes I should not be here. Move back to your own country. But Canada is my country. We have been here since the 1600’s. Do you not believe in Canada? Some groups have differing ways of governing their bodies, their own health care systems, but when sick, then they use Canada’s, but complain. For example….East Indian Culture complains about East Indians not getting visas, when we are amidst trafficking of humans, and the largest meltdown of economies in our time. East Indians could die if they came to Canada. And it is never good enough of the things I say, because the our nurses do not speak just any language. Well you have to speak the language of the Canada. French or English. Hate to inform you but language separates us all. This is not Racism but evidenced experiences living in Canada. If you are a leader speaking a language we never accepted, or is not official, you should not be a leader.

The Governor General claims to want Democracy. She allowed a language in our Parliament that no one understands but her and a few other people. Her belief is a fallacy. We all sat and listened, didn’t understand one word, but clapped in respect and went on our way. That is acceptable in Canada because languages differ, but a fallacy or falsity of truth for humans to exist in Peace. But her address to the Nation in her own language was watched and we all went about our lives again afterwards, living her falsity. No one understood. She spoke languages that were not Canadian spoken. But languages under the Maple Leaf Forever. None of us knew what the meaning of her program even meant. The interviewer even spoke a different language. A regional language from a Historical perspective of wars lost, and resentment. That is a fallacy.

Its time for everyone’s education system to be part of our democracy so we can understand each other when we are being attacked by a group of biological sequences from China that could kill us instead of fighting about tribes or groups experiences in the environment. Wouldn’t that be more realistic? I did not attack you, but you attacked me.

Do we as tax payers have to learn 400 plus languages of Serbian, Iranian, German, Icelandic, Swedish, Danish, Welsh, Irish, Gaelic, Dutch, French, Cajun, etc etc and 375 tribal languages to understand our communities in Canada? What is a Canadian? What is Maple leaf Forever, and Putine? What is Acadean? What is Metis?

Why can we not be inclusive with language, so we can all understand what is being conveyed. “No you say!”  Resentment just wants to be judgmental about people,  instead of saving people’s lives that are different than me. This is what I encountered trying to save children from being shot in schools, plus a gender political movement based on genetics being deforming of some, and they want us all included. A Falsity. A physiology of proteins that occurred in development of cells from a single cell to a organized multicellular organism, that developed non functional proteins, is not my undoing of your health. It is your creator’s undoing of your health, but you blamed me. A falsity of belief.

Maybe Love, acceptance, compassion,  and melding would work better, and maybe those who have melded as Anthropological and biological organisms should be respected and valued too, not as a skin organ  that protects our organs from oxidization,  but as a biological organism that is a species of homo sapien, and one a biological organism living in a biological biosphere of optimum health until attacked by a deficient immune system, along with everyone else, only in different regions in a Confederation. Maybe a democracy in some kind of form, but not a recognized form of Cultural mutilation.

If we are required to know over 400 languages to exist in Canada as a tax payer, well good luck with that Democracy. I have a hard enough time learning English and some French. How does this support the average Canadian’s understanding of Canada’s Democracy? Who we are? Who we are culturally?

It in fact depletes an understanding for the average middle class and poor’s ability to even understand the term Democracy. Voters get no say in our country between business, oligarchy, and Indigenous who hoard all the attention for their rights, as minorities, and to hell with tax payers rights. A democracy of fallacy but run by minorities and business.

However, this was Aristotle’s charge exactly. Aristotle charged that the power of the individual middle class and poor is more controllable by the Elite and wealthy, as they take away Control Power, greed, money, via corruption. And the middle class income, is part of that happening today in 2024. The wealth tried to remove our vote, our rights to freedom, our Capitalism, our rights to be who we are in a Confederation since 1876. They tried to mutilate our children, traffick our women, take away our choices, and be judgmental causing death of children.

Noam Chomsky stated that Aristotle and him understand Liberal leadership of Neo-classism Liberalism. Liberalism and from Tribal leadership who do not want Democracy for all but a minority group running our democracy. They claim they want a democracy, but do not value individual lives and hate democracy systems.  It takes away the power of the said group when confronted that they cannot run everything. Governments never get anything done for the tax payer. I see that happening again where mothers are not being respected, and our Confederation under one centralized voted in group that is not being valued because of it’s falsities in ideologues vs reality of behaviours and policies.

How do we understand each other with too much diversity? Depleting our power to vote, and our leaders depleting our power to call out our leaders who seem to think Minorities rule. This is abuse of power. Depleting our power as individuals and putting into power 12 regional governing groups, is not being with alliance for Peace, Harmony and Honouring Life.

This misfortune is taking away our rights to even breathe without paying for air and removal of carbon dioxide. Payment for water which is a natural right. It takes our ability to understand our leaders if we are speaking 400 languages in one country, and we will not be slaves to our people’s government. We must try to understand the concept of Alliance. We are depleting the power of individuals to confront Power corruption. We are not your slaves, nor will we ever be your slaves. It is you who are voted in to serve us the voter. Voters pay for this right to have legal elections.

The tax payer, and Premiere Horgan of British Columbia did give us our power back. But he did provide a law of No Racism. We are individual hybrids, with family diversity,  and our full potentiality to be the best we can be as hybrids, not groups of minorities trying anarchy to disrupt everything. Our people are the democracy. We must find agreement on what we want in democracy, and what our alliances are as a country that longs for similarity, but must change sometimes. Viruses that are indeed man made sequences,  that are biowarfare on our biologies, are apparently not one of the things that we want as it is our to protect ourselves from, those man made sequences killing us.  This biological warfare was used against the people in biological ways and we must wake up to this fact. It means mass extinction attempts are being made by successive approximations of distractions and some of these really evil. Not a fallacy, but a fact.

It is the Elite’s power that positioned our new Governor General in a position, that voters have nothing to do with it. We want answerable voted in people in power, so that you answer to the people in a democracy where homo sapiens are the hybrids with passions and paying for education and filled with diversity just in family. In a democracy, we are not born as tribes. We are born as hybrids. Your tribal parties or groups are depleting Democracies’ of rights of the People. All have rights to higher Powers, but to abuse the power when putting a tribal member into Power by elites, the minorities are depleting the average voters rights.

Elites that put someone in power, and in the same reign where drugs are being put on our streets by killers, and my examples are drugs like like marijuana, cocaine, fentanyl, along with horse drugs,  being pushed out into a market system to drug people that stand robotic like in space and time,  as if a statue of non existence, and the damage being done to their cannibinoid system’s  receptors, and then saying prostitution is used for economy, and this for an economy of Greedful consumption, when it is known that marijuana can destroy the cannabinoid system, and prostitution passes around disease faster than breathing can, is just plain lawlessness. Receptors  sticking open on the cannibinoid system and changing personalities, and they deny being angry from change of personality from taking drugs, and from the chemistry of the homo sapien system. You are abusing the ordinary people’s rights in democracies for the people that you are harming by drug use and medical communities. You are abusing the health of our communities by covid 19 a man made group of sequences with a human enzyme, and denying you did it.

Democracy is not for sins, or ill repute, or to push ill onto lands, and hybrids to get your way politically as minorities to control. We support health of a Nation, and the whole Nation not just one person. Democracy was originally meant for landowners, the individual hybrid, not just minorities that do not belong to our Alliance to our democracy that they hate. They would rather fight than support Democracy.  They say we must go home, however I resent you saying I do not belong as a human, to my homeland and my friends, and that my friends are not my friends. That my money is not my money in a democracy where 95% of the money belongs to Oligarchs and 5% of 8 billion have a little bit of money to share. I am home in my kitchen paid for by me, my money, my work, and in my democracy. They say our Laws are all wrong. Well I find them Just,  if I follow Law. Who is this Democracy for?  Who is our Democracy for but us all.

Tribes of 375 First Nations. but a whole lot of other regional cultures. Our whole confederation of hybrids and cultural regions.  All people who are diverse hybrids from family, and cultures along with cultural diffusion.  Tax payers resent that statement that we do not belong here. Yes! This is our homeland. Parties who make their own existence difficult through their own thinking is not me. I am but one hybrid, a biological creator of human life. Prove me wrong.

This tax payer is already a Democracy supporter. Who the tax payer is, is someone who supports Democracy, and that believes in Democracy and I do my part. You can close borders, roads, and attack us, but I am a tax payer with rights. If you are not happy with our laws, move to another country. Our Laws, our lands, our social welfare system, our health care, if not liked, go back to your own lands and get off ours. I don’t see any other solution, as we have tried my whole life to support all nations and support all communities in Canada in an Alliance to and in our Confederation and Union of a group.

We as tax payers,  believe in positions that the voter votes in, not the Elite being positioned in Powerful position with their money only for elites.  Let me repeat that. Voted in positions of the voter’s, not positions put into place by the Elite in some regions of the Americas. These are voted in legitimate positions when voted in by individual voters. There are minorities gaining too much power, over the voter. The land, businesses and elections are our democracy, not to be abused by some minorities. Not just businesses. Boy tribes of similarities that seem to think All power is theirs. Further trying to control the Government of Canada right at this time. That is not Democracy. That is powerful Elites of Neo Classism Liberalism, using their Power against the voter. This is not a Democracy. This is the Elite controlling their slaves. I cannot be bought or sold. I am a homo sapien biological organism that has the right to survive, adapt, and self direct to my own existence of Peace, harmony and honouring life.

Every action is caused, and the actions being caused today, and the revolt of the people is because the Elite and criminals so powerful have all the money, have all the power, and are giving little support to your populations who run the government for the people. It is not for money that we have a democracy, because it is for the hybrid to have freedom. Democracy is not just for the powerful, and it is factual that is what is happening. Using children is the wrong thing to do ethically for governments, education and against the voter.

The consequence of your actions are  highly suspect and the powers that be are hiding money, are taking money meant for poor in charities, and are indeed crossing the line of what is acceptable for your populations. They are trying to silence us, and encouraging Stoicism. This is unacceptable to control people this way.

Forcing silence, holding back food, putting into action inflationary measures to control the economy so wealthy CEO,s are the only ones making money, or able to afford to eat and have enormous homes.

It is impossible for Health to do their job in our country by food not being accessible to All peoples. And taking PPE away from people is the worst of worst behaviours of any medical doctor, of any Politician, and Scientist, or any group or tribal thinking. Selling our PPE to China and China by the way is communist, instead of supporting our environment, released a biowarfare on our people. We are asking for support for health care systems. Support our workers that need PPE, so they can work in the hospitals that care for our sick and poor and our people with Covid 19, the group of sequences that can kill you from breathing them. Those who supported the lab in China, and supported by the rebelling Politicians, who were reaping all the benefits from the genome project, is indeed such a horrible thing to watch.  Politicians who are now reaping what they have sown is pure corruption at its worst and a Rebellion around the world. Where is Love and Peace that politicians preach about?

One of the Laws is that we have the power to change within us the conditions in our own lives as hybrids, and those who think we must go to a higher vibration is to go to oxytocin as a biochemistry inside our system.  We have the laws in place to support the conditions of higher wages so we can live and eat, and be warm, so why are we not. There are powers trying to keep us enslaved, while endowing themselves with huge wage increases by millions of dollars, in wealthy families supporting themselves and their offspring and friends of tribes.

When we are oppressed, it is an impossibility, or if we are repressed an impossibility, and if we are depressed from the previous sentence occurring, then it is an impossibility. We have to self determine, self – actualize, adapt, to survive our nasty environment of fallacies, and that is not an optimal environment but made impossible to survive by Nature. Governing bodies are interfering and causing division, media is interfering and causing division.

Energies by understanding of Universal Laws,   and applying principles in such a way as to effect the changes we need, are the laws of relativity that come into effect in our areas and the effects of Laws of homo sapiens that either support our life, or suppress our lives. Laws of the biological organism come from nature to self actualization, self direct, adapt and survive our environment. Laws of biology of Science of Biology of Self, come into effect, and suppression is not a law. If you suppress or oppress energies, then you oppress, not support.

The virus, and the Covid 19 variation such as Delta plus, or AY 4.2 and any other variations forward of November 2020  gives “All” Creation of homo sapiens a challenge, and a test to be able to strengthen our relationships with governing bodies, and we cannot let the energies outside us be suppressed or oppressed. If so we dim the light of creation and contribute to extinction.

And with female reproductive systems and many other organs being attacked by this man made group of sequences in Gain of Function Research, and this Covid 19, and all its variations, I would suggest that suppression or oppression has occurred. You not only could dim the light of creation, but you have already dimmed the light of creation, because of still births. We must consider survival for human kind. If our challenges go amiss, we have encouraged extinction, instead of survival.

Laws of Attraction, is how we create things that come into our lives, like our thoughts, our feelings, our works and actions, but they forgot how did we attract this group of sequences called Covid 19 and variants all inclusive, called Covid 19, and all variants, up to and inclusive of AY 4.2. We attract it by being a host through not wearing masks, and not filtering our air, and not still having spaces between us, and not washing hands and sterilizing them. You can attract this man made group of sequences with sequences meticulously spliced together to make a multi sequenced Gain of function virus worse than anything on earth. The women’s reproductive system can causes death when it comes to human kind.

The Principles of Vibration, motion, or Action, must correspond with Nature. The Laws of Cause and Effect create nothing by Chance. Every action is caused, and every Action has consequences and you have reaped what you have sown. The Laws of abundance are created for us as Laws of compensation. Laws of attraction what have you gained? The Law of compensation is caused  by Blessings, or shows a visible effect of our deeds and this is given to us, as gifts, and money and inheritances, friendships, and blessings. So what say you. What are our blessings from the Gain of Function Research, but death to our biology. What say ye?

 The Principles of Laws of Abundance,  along with the Physical Laws of Nature have to correlate. It works on Laws of Compensation. My Chapters are so complex. I thought I would give a number of people an opportunity to find their blessings in this virus, because Bless us all in this man made virus outbreak Universally please. When you deal with Spirit and Laws of Nature, Laws of Vibration, Laws of Abundance, as Toronto Star wants to know that they have a right to correlate with actual facts. Like the virus a real thing, not a hoax, & the Laws of Correspondence have to be supported by Laws of Nature, the physical Laws and in case we must follow Laws of Vibration, but they also must correlate with Physical Laws. So we each have a job to figure out our benefits that you all gain from this virus, and the vibrations, and the vibrations that correlate with Physical Laws, and the Laws of Biology as an example. Please send me a note on Face-book with your answers.

If you create panic, and fear that indeed is what you reap. And some days when data overload occurs, you yourself live with that, and that is controllable, but you have to make a real big effort and some-days when I am really busy, with data, it can be overwhelming and you have to make a special effort to keep balanced,  and even make efforts twice a day to re-balance, so the consumed data does not make you out of balance with data overload.

So April Koh,  who just wrote me on Twitter, I understand fear and Panic are not part of mental wellness. When you realize what a virus can do, it is hard to balance that on some days, but sometimes you have to find ways to balance or even re-balance. Are we perfect every day? Oh no never! Never are we perfect at doing anything at all. We can try really hard especially when you realize that someone putting their physical rights of more importance than a Child’s right to life is in effect. Trump Calling this virus a hoax, it is hard to re-balance when you see the outcome of stupidity. (Over 800,000 deaths,  or more at this time of the first writing).

You have to have support around you as it is completely necessary for any balance to occur at first when the girls were sexually abused, sexually trafficked, on here and that was who I was supporting, or to be a model role for them by being honest and open. It can be done but then I got sabotaged by Politics and Trump, and a whole bunch of others, through interference, and the re-balancing and rebuilding becomes far more difficult. I must say it certainly showed as he took front and center at causing chaos. It shows our systems can sabotage us as women and their sexual abuse issues in courts, in health, in everyday life, and even on Twitter they can be sabotaged, and definitely on Face-book. It turned around on these digital forums and now they are supporting me, and I am supporting them. I still support daily, on this virus issue, #savethechildren, #enoughisenough, and #metoomovement. Today I also support #Shower the peoplewithlove.  Colin has put his name on this site I use, because on my site, I have so many trackers over 66,000 and it is giving me problems and is causing a huge problem with my computer.

I want to make clear, that I will never support violence. I am not a violent person. I mean that I do not believe in violence with anyone but with Trump I will tell you, he is enough to drive anyone completely insane. What a liar.  Some days I get really ticked off when dumb decisions are being made by dumb, dumber and dumbest ever, or I don’t understand what someone is doing, because it is so far away from center. Extremism is killing people. We do have the power to change our lives to a higher- vibration condition. I hope my sensitivities do not get in the way.   Environment does assault our whole beings, and even some times it can be spirit, and it is an insult to everything we have studied and know to be Truth.

Carolyn D Hogarth for Mastering Humanities….

P.S. Trump has threatened Canada, Mexico and China to put 25% tariffs on all products going into the United States of Americans from the United States of America and I am so hurt from this. Not resentful, but understandably scared for humanity.    Americans who are finding out that prices will be going up and not down even on groceries are beside themselves with anger over these tariffs that will drive costs up for everyone and tax payers at this time are saying we haven’t enough money to eat. The blind leading the blind in ethics, policies, morals, and the Value of life of tax payers and their little offspring being threatened. What are they doing? Even his own family will pay the price.

Ford company a long standing American car company that  has been an American Icon,  is moving it’s American business out of their country,  and going overseas because of costs of making Fords in America is too high and since Donald Trump is putting 25% tariffs on building Fords, Ford says, “No way!” We are moving.” Well this is my homeland. I cannot afford to move and I am sick and do not want to move as I have cancer.

A Wisconsin town today on December 16th 2024,  was targeted by a 15 year old little girl with a gun that shot and killed 3 children in the school, and 6 severe in health, are  victims that are hospitalized and some with minor injuries. This is the 83rd school attack on young children in the United States of America in 2024, and this school a Christian school. Where is the oxytocin in our schools?

The channel on youtube called “Occupy Democrats” showed one of Trumps advisors that influences young people, such as the son of the President and other young men who were so visibly intoxicated on stage, he could not speak properly,  and you could not make out what he was saying, and he fell over onto the floor.  He collapsed on stage from being so drunk that he passed right out cold and collapsed. Steve Bannon had just introduced him, one of the MAGA advisors for the Republicans in power in January of 2025. Wow! What kind of role models are these people for children.

If you read my last few posts, it is not much different from the first episode of the  Trump Presidency, and Trump and Republicans being in Power the first election.  I do not understand the logic of some American’s today, but Canadians are livid about the tariffs, but I believe we can find other accounts in the world to sell to. We do not have to count on trade just with Trump and Republicans. Maybe Canadians should worry about their own country having affordable products without tariffs, and Canadian products for affordable prices. We also need to put our Security and Sheriffs of Alberta, on the border on the Canadian side to stop the guns coming in from the United States  of America, a gun toting Nation.  Our sales  all wrapped up in one country as we are, needs to change, since the Americans seem to be having a breakdown right now. Things will eventually straighten out, but we need as Canadians as necessary need to move on.

Our Finance minister and Deputy Prime Minister Christa Freehand,  resigned today on the 16th of December 2024, to step down and will not be taking another cabinet position with Justin Trudeau. She did not like the policy that Canadians were going to get a rebate of $250.00 for food high costs. I have knowledge from what Trump said before,  that he does not like dealing with Christa Freeland,  and she might be a bit tough to deal with and doesn’t  roll over for Trump just because he demands a visit from Canada. She has not been invited to the meeting at Mara-largo with Trudeau and Trump. The misogynist does not like being challenged from a female, with costs of American products coming into Canada,  and our products going into the States for the market price of inflated free trade. She might be a bit of a staunch supporter of Canadian economy. Not the American economy. She might be tough to deal with on finances. Of course we cannot forget she is a woman and misogyny hate women. He has a real problem accepting women who do not cow-tow to him and his demands. I am certain he is abusing his wife so that she has become so complacent with his immature behaviour, she just ignores him and goes about her own life, but noticeably will not hang onto his hand. I saw her on Fox News lately, and as much as she seems in control of her life, HMMMM! I think stories will be starting to emerge later on. Something is not right. Have you ever seen something in front of your eyes that just does not jive? I do quite often with political collusion.

Carolyn d Hogarth writer of this opinion and article of comparisons is a piece of history of 2014, to 2024, and some of 2025 to consider.

You will find in my writings about the amygdala, the hippocampus and the asserting to the Executive function through the thalamus into the cortex, an assertion of the reunein cells and biochemistry reacting to environment, for adaptation and survival of self directing biological organisms that are creators on our planet. I am Carolyn d Hogarth Canada a biological creator of biological organisms. My oxytocin in tact. I just do not know how to be a fighter. I hate violence. Logical in form with an optimum brain and group of biochemicals. Never perfect. I cry a lot because of fear for humanities existence. Please listen someone. Thank you….C D Hogarth Canada Published again on February 3rd 2025 for safety of our babies.





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