The United Nations is Using Western Societies for Economical Politics. against Western Societies.
I know to the court I am to be silent but Chows 16% property tax ….Really? And how many people will lose their homes over the increase? The federal government let the immigrants in, let Federal government pay for housing. for food, for jobs, out of their own savings, and wages. Because tax payers had no vote, no right to any part of this decision making. Each family entering is suppose to be sponsored by another family, a church group, by a group of people that will help them adjust to Canadian lifestyles. Now, the traffickers are just dumping them on our borders. And is this legal?
I still lay myself on the courts of Law. Because what is this? The immigrants are suppose to have officers of immigration looking after them and the United Nations again interfering with laws in our country. Half of these people are not immigrants or refugees. They are criminals. This is another attack on Western societies, and for political purpose for the United Nations that are abusing our good warmheartedness. You do not get to attack Canadian people who pay taxes to our government for programs for Canadians, by Canadians and this is illegal politics. A United Nations Law being abused again.
Fact this is an attack on Western Nations again for Political purposes.
Carolyn d Hogarth 1 vote, 1 tax payer……
United We Stand, Divided we Fall. This above is an attack on our Canadian Laws, of helping those who are asking for asylum. These are not asylum seekers. This once again is the United Nations overstepping it’s powers and using people to abuse the Western Societies good heartedness, and also our Laws of immigration and Economy.
Written by Carolyn d Hogarth Canada I lay myself at the foot of the court.