What do Homo Sapiens Have in Common All over the World?
Canadians as well as other people in countries around the world have in common empathy, compassion and Love for All Creation. Einstein assumed that we need to think of light as particle and wave. He stated a particle is an entity within itself and independently existing. We indeed are hybrids. He also stated that a wave is a disturbance in a medium. NO Air, no sound waves, just a state of air. Wave at this time between 2015 and 2023, is the Violence that is going on within our World, on our precious little blue planet. A wave of violence we all see occurring.
There seems to be irreconcilable pictures of what reality is. The real world is more complex than just our categories, and we have to find the connection between the worlds of psychology, biology, sociology, economics, technology, and religious ideologies.
Data analytics show us online that we need to find not just terms of self, but also of others. Homo sapiens are truly miracles, and their biology is beautiful and magical and we are missing it. We are creative, human beings that are being constrained in Cultures and told who we are not, instead of us saying who we are.
I am a homo sapien that has the strength of Samson, the patience of Job, the Faith of Abraham, and the courage of David, and the love of Jesus Christ, the son of Mary his creator. I have the Wisdom of the Mother of Jesus, and the support in me of a friend called John. The 1 John tells that story. My data intake has been for adaptability and survival in an non conducive environment, but deep within me is an ongoing Faith in human kind in knowing who they really are. The homo sapien is an entity that is filled with compassion, empathy, hope, Faith, and forgiveness for stupidity of those who do not see. We are indeed the Golden thread that weaves the tapestry of humanity together. The expressed Whole that welcomes the Meaning of Life to Love All Creation.
My Name is Carolyn d Hogarth from the State of Love, in Heartland, of Peace, Harmony and Honouring Life, of the latitude 49.005. Under the Star of David, I proclaim, you have no rights to Genocide. No rights to killing another homo sapien with possibilities of being the best they can be, because who might you be killing? Do you know the future of that little miracle born to a mother?
In “Oneness” in the Love of God, the loving God, where procreation belongs to two biochemically attached peoples, to provide a loving environment for their offspring, to raise it up to be the best it can be. Not for you to kill.
In knowing in the strong sense Wisdom accumulated through recall, integration of recall, data intake, knowledge, with the understanding of self determination, self actualization, Justice, Hope, Faith, and faith in Mentors, in Power, in Faith of a loving God, in Revelation of our Universal fields, forces of compounded energies, and in the Redeeming Human homo sapien, I declare my Meaning of Life to be based in Love of All of Creation, where biological organisms must survive and adapt so that we can go on into the Future together in our biological biosphere.
I am not your babysitter, but my brothers and sisters keeper. If you choose to walk away, I will not stop you. I have no power to stop your journey, but power to stop mine if I am walking in the wrong direction. However, if you deny me, you deny you, and you deny electromagnetic fields, you deny biochemistry of fight or flight from right. I did not start this fire, but I am human and I am participating to put it out. Under the Star of David on our sacred land, our biological biosphere that we depend on for life.