What Does “I love you, I love you, I love” you, mean? Pick up a nuclear bomb and Annex your Country? What?
What does “I love you, I love you, I love you” mean? Does it mean for you to Annex me? Annex my country? What does Agape, Amore, Eros or Ethos mean to you? What does Peace mean to you? What does war mean to you? What does Annex mean to you?
How do people arrive at logic with these kinds of definitions? What does Harmony mean to you? To erase me? Does it mean for you to take away my vote, my freedom, my democracy? What does Law mean? If might is right, how come you did not respond with Love? You responded with killing, with wars, with explosions, with erasing all we call sacred. “Love.”
What does centred mean?
Centred…..Placed or situated in the centre.
What does it mean to be centred? To be mentally, and emotionally, confident, focused and well balanced with optimum brain health. Well if you have the knowledge of being “centred” it does not include Annexing others. How do you arrive at your logic?
The Institute of Medicine describes patient centred care as including qualities of compassion, empathy, respect, and responsiveness to the needs and Values and expressed desires of each individual hybrid or patient. So is annexing me, or being compassionate, empathetic, or respecting me, or are you offering me my needs and my Value by expressing a desire to Annex me? How is this logical?
Is valuing a person annexing their country after they said, “I love you, I love you, I love you?” Amore, Agape, Eros, Ethos, which I called for. Is that Value to annex someone who says they love you? People centred approaches like the grouping called “Children” who needed us to show concern for that specific group in community. Not to kill them. But you caused a genome breakdown with biowarfare instead, and Annexed many, in fact millions. What is important to you? Does it mean to take over a country because your country or your being is in trouble, then you attack another country?
When focusing on the care or the needs of others like individuals such as children, you threaten to Annex a country and it’s population via 25% tariffs and make them go hungry. How is that Loving each other?
A Person centred group of therapies that seek to facilitate client’s actualizing tendencies “an inbuilt proclivity toward growth and fulfillment via acceptance,” and a seeking of equilibrium and balance in the optimum brain of creation, is not annexing a country.
A person centred thinking is a set of Principles and core competencies that are the foundations for person centred planning. This is called “Hybrid centred planning.” How do you plan hybrid centred planning by annexing our country? Isn’t planning a guide for learning how someone wants to live at home, at work, or in the community to help develop and make it happen?
What does humane mean to you? Humanistic, or Humanist? To go to war? To erase people? To cancel people? To attack people? To change people or accept them for who they are? To biologically attack people isn’t that Annexing them? To shoot people in their own homes, isn’t that annihilating cultures? What? Why? How is that Love? Amore? Agape? Or any kind of a God? The Aztecs, Incas, Mayans, and Moche practiced child sacrifice to appease their Gods. Have we not grown past those cultures even in 2025?
What is personal attitude? To attack humans and annex them? To erase them? To violate them. To shoot them? To annihilate femaleness for organ sales, or for trans, when for thousands of years females have been the creators of life. Is this thought control of Political Tribes? Is this your way of saying if you are not American or the American version of Democrat or Republican, you do not know what God is? And we have to believe just like you to be saved from being Annexed or violated? Your ideologues could be based on Idealism like Berkeley’s that do not reach the same truth as reality. You know nothing about the biochemistry inside that is called Oxytocin that comes from within, and is a biological fact. Your love includes killing, annexing, annihilating females, instead of acceptance. Your teachings do not fall in line with relative reality. Acceptance vs No Acceptance are two different ideas and one predicts danger, and encourages harm to another. We were warned not to use Science to harm humanity by Einstein. He told us of Love that travels 186,000 mph. He warned us…”No war.” Human extinction is very likely.
That is not Loving each other. That is not accepting each other.
That is not Valuing the hybrid. That is not Peace.
Written by Carolyn d Hogarth
May Peace be with you all always.
What if no one cared but for self?