Benjamin Netanyahu, being accused of crimes and trying to change the court Justice system, and people saying on the videos, we are never going to give up, and swearing vengeance of it’s leader an accused criminal monger, because I believed in “Oneness” with Israel, I watch and support them because Truth is Truth, and I know so do others.
Trump being held accountable for calling the Covid 19 a hoax. Doing Injustice when attacking the White-house and attacks on his Congress, and deaths involved, not paying taxes, false information to Congress, changing the Justice System, not following mandates of a President. People calling for doing injustice by not paying taxes, and lieing and not stepping down from a family coup that he tried on the United States Peoples, that he and others were trying to pull off, when another President won the election loud and clear.
Trump taking charity money and using it for his family, instead of where the money was to really go. The same as Trudeau family in Canada, and accepting the Chinese 1 million dollars during a Pandemic of the Wuhan China attack on our biology. Leaving Canadian nurses without PPE, while he supported China with PPE. China interfering in our economy, in our elections, in our Policing in our country of a democracy, and in illegal arrests of our two Michael’s in China. HSBC abuses of money from cartel, from Prime Ministers, from Presidents, from all kinds of bankers, and hiding money offshore from the tax payers of Democracies the Panama Papers and Pandora files. Hello! I know this, I speak about it, and here are reactions to this policy abuse, power abuse, money abuse, and abuse of the tax payers money for personal gain.
I read today on sites meant for me…..
My Grand daughter is not your grand daughter, and will never be what you want her to be so quit trying to control. I stated oh darling, “I am just trying to save your child as our children, and I am trying to say, “give a safe place from those who would cause your child harm.” Help the children with the economy, the Climate Change, the jobs, the housing, the food that is so high in cost. Can you really not understand Policy? Be whatever you want to be, self direct, self actualize, self determine, but leave me the hell alone in your grand daughters choices. Please and keep her safe from that mouth of yours.”
Some saying there never was a Covid 19, its all a hoax, so quit trying to tell us what to do. I say, “I am not trying to tell anyone what to do. I am telling you facts.” I am trying to tell you love each other during a frigging Pandemic gone into an Endemic because if you do not care, who the hell will. Government? Hello!
Prices of 85.00 in Canada for ingredients for a pot of Pogole. 265.00 for a tank of gas in July 2023 for a truck. Because of Climate Change, carbon is being collected and products made out of that, of course I am called a liar. The gas costs for a truck evidenced by Keeping your Daydream, and that cost ridiculous. Evidenced by facts.
Others protesting having to choose to pay rent, move out and not eat, or pay for groceries and not be able to pay rent. And as I write for better policies to help the working class people, I am called the sharing, caring, communist faschist pig for caring and sharing, and really need to keep my fat mouth shut and quit trying to control. HMMMM! I listen to God Bless the Child, and Shower the People with Love, and know somewhere out there is a friend of mine. I am showering you with data you need to know to keep yourself safe. Hello!
And today I heard my husband say,”every time now when someone asks for a hug, (of course the some-one being me), he states, ” I think of this old prickly cactus out in the dessert all by itself, calling for a hug. You cannot get close to it because of all the pricks.”
My above rewards for Loving….I am a female, a feminist in reality, a real xx chromosome, binary, heterosexual feminist, hated by many, and apparently too prickly to hug. Sensitive is my problem. I belong to that hated Snowflake group, you know the kind that melts over a dirty frigging comment from those who love hurting others.
Thank you from a sharing, caring, Fascist Pig Communist. Grandma Hogarth who fully intended on Loving since 2015, but find it so exhausting. I do want someone to hug me, but not if I am prickly. I guess I am too prickly to hug. Just the way I am. HMMM! Who knew?
What if no one cared but for self? Covid 19? AWWWW! Our babies. But that Border of Peace Stays as is. That sacred Piece of Land with the Towers on it, in North Dakota and Manitoba, where we all saluted our dead in the America’s together. The 911 attack. The Peace Gardens. The Harmony Gardens, and the Honouring of our dead. Our hearts are on that border…Period. Peace Everyone for 200 more years.