What is a Political Environment of Illogical and Illegal Stratification? Written by Non Existent
Organized Rules of categories…Not voted in and not to think, not to speak, erased with logic, 81 so do not count, overthinking because I define rules of organization, cannot write unless following organized rules of business, because I define rules of DSM, not allowed friendships, not allowed organization of biological rules of an organized system, not allowed to be non theist, not allowed to walk away from abusive marriages, not to look at eyes, not to understand music as an organized system of rules, not to understand linguistics, or Truth of Peace as rules, Harmony as rules, and what do we Honour? Not allowed.
A chiefdom is not a egalitarian society, but rather a mankind society. Most ranked societies are chiefdom. The order of Chiefdom is ranked by inheritance, rather than achieved by merit. Rules I have to live with as a voter, and just linguistics and categories that have no meaning in today’s Stratified Society, because it has rules. So every time I write rules of organization down I am cancelled on Meta.
Important: Social Stratification…is the division of a society into social classes that differ in the amount of control or lack of it, that the lower class have energy over resources and other people. Most members of an stratified society are much poorer and much less powerful than the tiny, rich and powerful minority that rules.
On February 5th 2025, my writing was erased for the last time on Meta. A group of young that are ageism oriented. I am ugly, too fat, married 3rd time for 48 years, studier of linguistics, rules of organization, Anthropology, neuroscience, spirit, character, Peace, Harmony, Biology, and stability vs instability, War vs Peace, freedom vs being dictated a lifestyle, chiefdom via inheritance, vs voted in leaders and the cost of freedom, erasure of the female species, but males now can be females, and females can be males, unorganized rules, rules of health vs no health, rules of organized systems of linguistics and Gods.
10 years I have been fighting for organization and for organized rules. But I got to Political Stratification and if you look at Stratified Political Systems it favours greater population density among societies that try and annihilate each other as a result of warfare, powerful high energy societies to replace weak low energy societies. I live in a population of 41 million vs my next door neighbor who has 359 million. They want to annex Canada. But their population says no. You cannot do this. 10 Years I have been fighting for organized Peace. 10 years of organized harmony. 10 years of organized biology, or organized Anthropology. 10 years of these organized rules of study, but apparently I am overthinking.
Friendship is organized rules. Family organized rules. Because of organized classes I stopped. I want out of ever existing. I cannot have friendship so I am out. I am 81 and too old to know the new rules, so I am out. I am wrinkly and not pretty enough, but an organized system of biology, but unacceptable. Its all just linguistics and I do not have papers to prove my existence of knowledge or meaning.
I said today that bears are biological organisms. birds are an organized biological system. They adapt to survive. But I am not allowed to be an organized biological organism or a homo sapien organized group of bones of study in Anthropology, or with a organized optimum brain in neuroscience. We must all be a disorder called Trans, with cancelled females. For 10 years I have been following organized rules of ethics, morals, and the Value of other people, but choose to not be cancelled.
On February 5th 2025, I chose to let others win the argument. I have no meaning left without linguistics, without organized rules, without friendship allowed with meaning, so they win as young, and I am erasing myself from History. I do not exist in the Political Stratified System of A Reversed Pyramidal Economic System that is upside down, and on point to fall. I am no organized system thinking of an organized consumer, but themselves as wealthy, as I was the best price for a product, and they chose to refuse me for a far more expensive product. Billions of dollars of cost. I erased myself. I cancelled myself. I vowed to stay out as a volunteer of rules of organization. Okay I have never existed but neither have bears, moose, or Canadian goose.
I watched my friends yesterday be demoralized by a President who is constantly in the news, and who is the only one that counts. President Trump and his threats to humanity. I will not play your game of Chiefdom who takes over everything and everyone’s lives. The young voted him in along with some males. Consider me non existent as a citizen, as a human biological system of organized rules for existence, survival, adaptation and biological warfare the only thing that matters, and after reading and defining linguistics apparently my life has no meaning.
You win…I am erased. I am a non person. Consider me gone.
Carolyn d Hogarth….non person…just a writing head in a jar.
Consider me gone….just a bunch of linguistics with no meaning. Peace…non existent. Harmony….non existent. Honour…non existent. Just a non existent nothing. I never existed.
Feels on wheels, vs Meals on Wheels, does not create equilibrium and balance in a biological organism or in homeostasis, or energy. Pretty does not create Energy, and every operation there is has set points of extremism and where you go over the balance of normal into the extremism world of unnatural into fantasy or “idealism” of young and restless and beautiful.
December 17th 2024…Trudeau and his Cabinet unveil Canada’s Border Security and this is a Headline of Government.
Dominic Leblanc the Minister of Finance in a Stratified Political Environment, in a Intergovernmental Affairs holds a news Conference on Parliament Hill to outline the Federal Government’s new 1.3 billion dollar border security plan. He is joined by Mark Miller the Immigration Minister, May NG International Trade, and Ya’ara Saks Mental Health and Addictions. All costly departments that have seemingly done well to make me know I do not exist, but trans do. The new plans aim to strengthen the relationship between Palestine and Canada, Hamas, and the relationship between the United States and Canada with a border that is not existing for Peace, but to keep People away that are trafficking drugs into a society, that I do not exist in. It aims to improve our immigration system while contributing to Canada’s Economic Prosperity in a Reversed Pyramidal Economic System that does not exist for the tax payer or consumer, but only for the wealthy.
This new system is built around a new system of “5 Pillars” an Islamic idea of religion. Addressing the fentanyl trade, bringing in new Law Enforcement tools, to take more control of our lives. Improving operational coordination, expanding information sharing of our private information as hybrids, like our DNA and organized systems of biology, but I am not allowed to know or I am erased. Reducing and unnecessary border volumes. Incoming President has threatened to impose a 25% tariff tax which makes eating all the harder for the bottom class in a Stratified Political Environment of a Classed System. This 25% tariff from all products from Mexico, Canada, and the United States of America where we all live in the Americas, just categories of countries, which are rule oriented and I am not suppose to know as an organized system of control. This is a tariff against these two countries of Canada and Mexico if they do not curb the flow of migrants and drugs in particular fentanyl, across our borders. Well Canada’s fentanyl going across the border was 0.2% of all the fentanyl crossings. 48 pounds, but do you know by any chance the amount of terrorists, the amount of cocaine, the amount of drugs coming through our border from the United States of America? This deal was secured before Trump took Office, but on February 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, they all walk around securing this deal again with the tariffs that go into effect on February 3rd Tuesday 2025. But it was secured on NAFTA the “North American Fair Trade Agreement” rules to be followed. The rules of trade just a whisp of wind between Political Leaders not even thinking about the Stratified Political Class system.
On February 3rd, 2025, Trump put a pause on the tariff implementation for 30 days. Trudeau spoke to Trump on February 3rd leading us to think he is such a hero for speaking to Trump as a diplomat convincing Trump to ban the 25% tariffs. The real fact is, it is nothing but another distraction in the Class system of Stratified Politics. They agreed to work for another 30 days, at the cost to the tax payer of billions of dollars for their costs of our health, our eating, our optimum brain, causing PTSD for many with no consideration of the Class system. The Joint strike force and Fentanyl Czar that is a suggestion another paid position of rip off, a Fentanyl Czar and I never took Fentanyl in my life.
There is very little Fentanyl going across our border but any way to get money out of the tax payers pockets. Compared to Government trafficking people and population growth into our tax system that Canadian tax payers cannot afford, but the Government wanting greater populations of diversity or difference keeps them in power. The part of our society that keeps trying to annihilate your existing population born here especially your creators, that are the female. Cocaine from the United States of America 385 kilograms, not pounds was arrested coming from the United States into Canada by our RCMP. They have been working all along and fool no one but themselves. 5 Romanians stopped and arrested at the border, after them opening the border and allowing thousands and thousands to come into our country during a group of man made sequences from China biologically attacking our organized system of biology, in each hybrid. Trump’s speech on the propaganda of groceries that come across the border making American’s broke, putting American’s out of work, does not really keep Trump in power if he tells the truth. Governments putting controlled prices of inflation on their populations through manipulation, and I am cancelled. Carolyn d Hogarth a 1 voter, 1 tax payer, 1 81 ugly, too fat female, non existent. 1.3 billion dollars for border security that was in place before Trudeau opened the border. Carbon tax while business can collect carbons through Catalytic heaters. Somewhere someone is collecting carbon dioxide, putting it in a cylinder, to make soda pop in homes for money, but we are paying carbon tax and inflationary measures where CEO’s use our personal information along with Politicians to control people. Trudeau and them were aware they were losing people’s confidence, and yet I am the one who is cancelled, non existent, erased, and not allowed to think as if I cannot manage my own costs, my own life, and have been for 81 years. They bring in China, and cover the investigation into the Lab release of sequences meticulously spliced together, and fight for male control against me. Dr. Montagnier was correct. Also cloud seeding and molecules having memory, using this technology for weaponry to control populations. This is the dumbest trade war in history, just to keep their jobs. All illogical. CDH