What is Integrity? If you are Alive, what was that? Thank you would have been nice.

What is Integrity? If you are Alive, what was that? Thank you would have been nice.

There comes a point in time, when you get tired of trying to prove yourself as speaking Truth. To those who questioned my integrity for 8 years….Hmmmm! Would you rather be hated for just being you than loved? Look in the mirror. My principles of Ethical, Moral and the Value of a human being,  stood for me until July 17th 2023. If you read my articles on here, you will understand why I got to this point today about Economics, health, and Political use of our Children. God is Love. Save the Children, Metoo movement, Foodisessential. God bless the Children. Shower the People with Love. Even a thank you would have been sufficient, but no you attack my character, my integrity, my knowledge of Covid 19 since November of 2019. It is July of 2023, and you just attack my integrity again after me telling you of the autopsies in 2020. Yes, Covid caused cancer cells to die. Yep! Already said, done and researched. Vaccine being sabotaged, a huge possibility because of Economics. I am not interested in making the Empire Fall. In fact some of the Empire has real integrity.

This fight I took on was indeed to preserve the Integrity of the Empire that Trump and the Republicans, Snowdon, China, Russia and all the rest decided to throw away, as it involved our children’s and Mother’s lives. I am tired of being your football. You want to sabotage your own country, well I am finished. I am done. Further, when children start being used for Politics, and throwing parents already suffering under the truck, stay off my path. I defended myself from untruth from a younger sibling hatred of elder children, for trying to save Mothers and Grandmother’s. HMMMMM! Not much different from other loving families that do not have gratitude for life, or gratefulness for being kept alive. “Gracia.” San Jose de La Gracia.  Thank you to those who show ordinary people, living in ordinary town, and who live on borders being attacked by those suffering from the trafficking from others. And 1 million walked across our borders now shooting our Police and culture all to hell. Thank you…. Gracia. San Jose de la Gracia. UHUH! Lets work together here.

Today on July 17th 2023, I am completely finished with the bullshit. The vaccines were not the problem. The Wuhan Lab was the original problem, and it is proven by my writings, and the research, and if others want to sabotage me, I cannot help you to save your own population. The Wuhan Lab leak was an attack on our biology and those who did not follow mandates were another attack on our biology.

Your Empire’s Integrity, shabby as hell, and if you want to completely destroy it, be my guest, but I will not participate. That is now up to Dolly Parton. She buys books for millions of people. I saved millions of people’s lives that would have died had I not spoke. And if you are alive to complain, it is obvious either you did not contact the virus, or have side effects, but have lots of complaints about your country without ethics. Well what are you going to do about it? Justice Matters.

My relationships are purely platonic, and if my integrity is being questioned at this point, my morals, my Value of one human, and my ethics at this point, and if others want to sabotage the Empire;s Integrity, I cannot help no longer. I said, “No Genocide.” I stated No trafficking of Children, no shooting children, and really are you just catching on?

Are people really just catching on? I said, “no hurting children.” I said,” no burning children under their mother’s wings.” I said, ” no biological attack on our biology, no throwing acid in our faces.  I also stated, the brain, the heart, the kidney, the lungs the linings, cancers increasing, and all was written down by the research about what was happening from covid. And those who sabotage me, are sabotaging the Empire. I already stated no trafficking. If my ethics, my morals, my Values are being questioned at this point where others are sabotaging the Empire, well my relationships are purely platonic. If my ethics, morals, and Values are being questioned then believe Dolly Parton. I saved millions of people’s lives, and yes she bought kids books. Gracia Dolly Parton.

Oh yes cancer numbers went up from covid 19, and variants, not from vaccines. Absolutely Truth. I told you that already, but not from vaccines, but from the asymptomatic hosts. Prove me wrong. But also prove where the vaccines came from? Who made them? Where they sabotaged by economics? Where they sabotaged by those who want to see the ruin of the Empire? Snowden, and others. I am not interested in the ruin of such people of our country.  You go ahead. I am done. I will write about my own life now. My relationships are purely platonic. All relationships. Facts! HSBC a big mistake of Hong Kong and Shanghai. And really trafficking of children for body parts, China, Wow!  How low can you go?

God bless the Children. Save the Children. Shower the people with Love and Truth. MPLGBTQAI.

Are you really questioning my Integrity? Look in the mirror.

I will not help Snowden, Russia, China, or Australia Sky News bring down the Empire, or anyone else. And if you cannot see truth and believe a traitor you go ahead. I am done. I will not help the Empire Fall. And if you continue down this path, guess where you are headed? Do you want the countries ruined? Columbia, do you want your country ruined? Then keep trafficking your children as other countries have, because that is surely what your country needs to Fall. The men who cannot control their emotions, or addictions, or moods, and their need to control, what else, their sexuality,  and start running over into other genders just to be heard sexually. Hmmm!  Your mentally ill. FACTS!


Carolyn d Hogarth Canada…………. The Sabotaged. I got plain tired of my integrity being attacked 24 hours a day. Just facts.

  Thank God I spoke. How many would have died had I not spoke?

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