What is Moral Strength, along with General Relativity vs Special Relativity
The heart has it’s reason of which reason does not know…..
Carolyn says that some people just do, or just behave with no reasoning ability at all. They give little thought to reasoning and hate you if you do reason, they do not like facts of Science. They just follow the leader as if sheep being called for food time. Why am I writing this way, but to distinguish the differences between me and others, but how we land up if moral, being moral for both reasoning and following a leader, even if the leader is ethical. Why do we have Nobel Peace Prizes if we are to just follow and obey leaders? You are illogical when you believe this way. Literally.
Oscar Wilde in one of my books says; “I can stand brute force, but brute reasoning is quite unreasonable. There is something unfair about it’s use. It is hitting below the intellect.”
Carolyn says that “Logic is Science and is Empirical and Objective, and must be determined by logic and reasoning. You must always consider logic, consider categories, definitions, where the determinings are established, why they were established and what is reasonable about the determinings for our Planet.
My Questions or queries about environmental resources…Well who is using most of the resources? I am not. In fact I am very frugal and as a lower class middle class, have few of the resources and use very little resources. So where are the resources going? War on our planet is one of the largest users of resources. One for example, Iraq soldiers lighting the oil wells on fire in Kuwait. One of the most wasteful things to do in war. It is a waste of world resources. Using war to destroy a country and it’s people because of greed, and ideologues, undo a 1000 years of work that it took people to build the country in the first place. A huge waste of resources.
If wealthy own 97% of the wealth in the world, that leaves 3% for the rest of us to share. How can I as a lower middle class be using up all the resources? I live in a little apartment in a condo. I use little resources, but they try and blame me and up my taxes again, and now for carbon taxes too. We are paying taxes for breathing. Why do mother’s give birth to children? Iran kills their own children. We pay for the funerals and the investigations as tax payers. even We are being taxed on carbon dioxide. What next?
We are 20% carbon as humans. We need carbons to exist because of it being the easiest building block for the human and all life forms, and plants and animals are based on carbon. Its a fundamental building block for cells and it’s the basis for many molecules of the body. Another function of the carbon in our body is to regulate the physiology of the body. Carbon is the most crucial structural element and the reason we are known as a carbon based life form. It is the basic building block required to form proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Breaking carbon bonds in carbohydrates and proteins is our primary energy source. Carbon is the chemical backbone of life on earth. Carbon compounds regulate the Earth’s temperature, make up the food, that sustains us, and provides energy that fuels our global economy. Most carbons are stored in rocks and sediments. Each carbon atom is capable of forming up to four valence bonds with other atoms simultaneously, and that energy is required to make or break a bond with a carbon atom leaving an appropriate level for building cellular life.
The most basic and important basis for the chemistry of cellular life are that, carbon atoms must be capable of forming up to four valence bonds with other Atoms simultaneously, and that energy required to make or break a bond with a carbon atom is a necessary for making large and complex molecules which may be stable and reactive. Carbon atoms bond readily to other carbon atoms , and this allows the building of arbitrarily long macro molecules and polymers in a process known as catenation. What we ordinarily think of as based on chains of carbons atoms, with a few other atoms such as nitrogen, phosphorous, and known in Bio-science by Stephen Hawking. Norman Horowitz determined that carbon bonds were the most important element for solutions of landing life on other planets, but Mars showed them that, that planet was extremely hostile to carbon based life forms. He then considered that in general there was a remote possibility that non carbon life forms would be able to evolve with genetic information systems capable of self replication and adaptation. We cannot live without carbon dioxide because without CO2, the plants will die off on the earth’s biological food chain, which would then be terminally broken. Without carbon dioxide human’s would not be able to breathe Its only when CO2 gets concentrated do you have to start to worry. If you cannot get rid of carbon dioxide a waste product, it can build up in your blood stream and hypercapnia can be chronic and cause symptoms that are long lasting, one being shortness of breath, (dyspnea), and daytime tiredness or fatigue. It can also be acute (sudden or all at once) with much more serious symptoms. Carbon is good for you because it benefits reducing flatulence, promoting kidney health and lowering cholesterol levels. Super heating natural wood produces activated charcoal. The black powder stops toxins from being absorbed in the stomach by binding to them. What cancels out carbon problems in environments is replanting huge forests, or reforestation. Soil sequestration using no till, agriculture and other practices to increase the amount of carbon stored in soils. Bio char….creating charcoal and burying it in, or plowing it into fields is a solution.
5 sources of carbon are decomposition. ocean release, respiration, and human resources which come from cement production, deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, like coal oil, and natural gas. What are the symptoms of too much carbon dioxide in the body? Flushed skin, drowsiness or the inability to focus, mild headaches, feeling disoriented or dizzy, shortness of breath, being abnormally tired and exhausted (march 3, 2023).
The properties of carbon are essential for creating and sustaining life on earth. Long complicated molecules are made of carbon chains, and such materials in the human body are considered organic. Anything organic has carbon in it, and all life on earth is closely tied to organic materials. (May 13th 2023) Plants remove carbon from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. The ocean and the forests are the biggest sinks of carbon. A sink absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. When you breath in oxygen, you breathe out carbon dioxide when you exhale. Hyercapnia is when you build up carbon dioxide in the blood, and that occurs when tiny air sacs in the lungs called alveoli are unable to adequately exchange CO2 from the blood oxygen. (June 22nd 2021)
More General Relativity and Special Relativity, facts of differences from Einstein’s time as follows;
Relativity is a theorem formulated by Albert Einstein which states that space and time are relative and all motion must be relative to a frame of reference. It is a notion that Laws of our physical Universe are the same everywhere. Time is relevant and seems to follow a ticktock rhythm. but it doesn’t in the “Special Theory of Relativity.” Einstein claimed that time is relevant…..in other words the rate that time passes depends on your frame of reference.
The amount of energy released by mass is equivalent to that mass times the speed of light squared. Basically Relativity says that laws of the physical Universe can not depend on how fast you are moving because all you could measure was the velocity of the one object relative. (Example; When you sit with a nice person for two hours and talk it’s only a minute, but when you sit on a hot stove for a minute it feels like two hours).
Darkness has no speed like light at 186,00 mph. Darkness is the absence of light and it is not a physical entity. However, it does have equations. Gravity travels the speed of light which is 186,000 mph. Gravity must have an energy to form travel or move.
Entanglement theories proclaim particles communicate over vast distances instantly, apparently violating the speed of light. A tachyon particle is a hypothetical particle that always travels faster than the speed of light. The theory of relativity implies that only particles with zero mass may travel at the speed of light and that nothing may travel faster. While these charged particles can never reach the speed of light in a vacuum, through a medium if as simple as something like water, it will suddenly find energy that makes it move faster than the speed of light in that medium.
Due to nodes of Ranvier, nerve impulses travel as much as 300 fold faster (Kier et al 2015) This is substantially higher than the default mode, but is still extremely insufficient to meet the speed of light requirement.
Tachyon are not only a possibility but are in fact an indispensable component of the spontaneous breaking process responsible for the “formulation of matter.” This hypothesis would mean that Higgs field excitation before the symmetry was spontaneously broken and could travel at superluminal speeds in vacuums. Although the existence of 7 particles is dependent on who is looking at them. (Special relativity)
How is Special Relativity different from General Relativity? The key difference is between Special relativity and General relativity is that cause and effect laws are ignored in some cases in General relativity, and the cause being an observer can be different. The effects of gravity because it has no cause and effect in an inertial reference frame, while Special Relativity accounts for the effect of gravity on light. But in reverse, what effect does light have on gravity? Light is an energy source.
My question is “If gravity has no cause, why would it exist?” the Laws of the physical world is everything in existence has the physical laws of cause and effect. Special Relativity was in fact written 10 years after General Relativity hence Einstein must have found a few more cause and effects than what General Relativity showed him 10 years earlier. And this is why he updated the theory 10 years later. ( If we consider two observers looking at a clock, special relativity holds that the clock runs faster or slower according to the observer’s frame of reference. That is the same idea as Schopenhauer’s. It is about perspective, and frame of reference.
E = mc2 Energy….Love travels at the speed of light an energy, but is a physical entity. It is a biochemical. Darkness is the absence of light, not a particle or material or mass, that can be measured or described. We must remember that particles can become entangled and can send information over long and vast distances. The sun is made up of particles, waves and rays….Particles seem to communicate faster than the speed of light. Black holes where not even light can escape, are found to be destroying information. And my observation being Carolyn d Hogarth is that if light cannot exist in a black hole, information needs an energy form that the black hole cannot offer.
Socrates the great champion of reasoning took as his motto the slogan at Delphi, “know thyself.” and the rather extreme conjecture that “unexamined lives are not worth living.”
Carolyn says; “when you see what an UN-examined life can do, you certainly can understand why an UN – examined life is not worth living. You can do some pretty foolish things as young people driven by hormones, chemistry, and unreasonable decisions and choices. Example: When a Pandemic that spreads by air and kills people, if you decided to gather and fight for your rights, this is absolutely unreasonable responses to a pandemic of sequences that are meticulously spliced together to kill. The most important part of our examining our life is getting to know of why we have senses, and sense intake, what emotions are for and feelings that support the emotions. Also, listening to your own life’s needs, but considering your actions before acting. Am I being fair? And there is lots to consider. This is complex. It sounds very easy, but it contains, without selfishness, great loss to self determining and your own needs. It takes sacrifice. There are all kinds of Space, time, issues, constitutional rights, losses to your emotional needs involved, status quo, political jargon, promises, core values involved with making that decision. It involves respect, honour, Peace, harmony, honestly, responsibility, and compassion and fairness and putting yourself out there in all honesty, to get trampled all over if not prepared. And a life without emotion, a life without passion, without eros, or ethos known by Anthropology, would be a shallow, depressing life. So the examined life whatever else it may be is not just an abstract philosophical understanding but a kind of translucent emotional intelligence. along with self mastery and controlling them too. However, when you look at the intake of senses for survival, you understand their importance to know them. Instincts, and intuitions can be a life saver at times. If something sounds too good, it likely is too good to be true.
When understanding the complexity of time, space, relativity, and perspectives that go along with this fact of human existence, there is a moral story to be told. One must see the beauty at all times of what we have seen and what we have. Living in gratitude daily for life, is a constant. A person’s standard of behaviour or beliefs concerning what is or is not acceptable is my choice, but whether I act on it, concerns not just me, but others too. Are my actions fair? Are my actions acceptable? Are my morals corrupt for any reason? The corruption of morals or the lack of concern with Principles of the rules of existence for everyone, of my right to distinguish behaviours as I see right or wrong, or ethical moral attitudes that are expressing what I see as Truth or counsel to right conduct as a speaker or literary work, which falls on my shoulders only. I am the writer. I am the speaker. The core Values are respect, honesty, harmony, Peace, responsibility, compassion, fairness, falling through with promises, and these are core values that make existence bearable. Your spirit, your handshake, your word should be as good as a sworn affidavit.
Equip your children with these tools by showing them the Gardens of Peace, and all the writings that great minds have contributed as they need to know how to navigate life’s challenges and build strong positive relationships. Understanding good habits, good understanding of ethics, and good behaviours is what makes the world go around. Life is not just here for your ego, or emotions. It is here for 8 billion others.
Relativity comes into every decision made to speak. Space, time, rules of ethics, rules of Nature, of Peace, morals, Value of human life, prioritizing importance in that particular context of what you are writing or speaking. Economic status, and what priority economics takes, and what is your status or class in the economy of the day, as a women for example. What is Classism in the Liberal mind, and how does classism contribute to belief? What is Nationalism? What is Communism and how that is relative to speech? Age and what are the polarized status quo beliefs on elders. Experience and how can it be interpreted in the polarized status quo society you find yourself existing in? Exposure to environments that are dangerous, or the status quo understanding of exposure in the region you find yourself a resident. Environmental dangers in your existing life, and interpretations of the said danger. Schopenhauer and his interpretations of relativity, showed Special relativity, how the observer can change by perspective existing hypothetical observations. Fairness of interpreted life experiences, of All people in works.
Are we better off without Gods, than with Gods. What is God? Creator? If in fact God where creator, which is Love for All creation, why war? There would be no Gods killing Gods. Are Gods moral? Get to know thyself, the biological organism you are and the homo sapien origin. These are Facts of Science and Evolution and relative to our existence as human life forms.
My name is Carolyn d Hogarth. It is time for us all to pull together. No violence. No wars. No Gods, but life on Earth in Evolution. Vote. Its your democracy.