Youtube Reaction to Colbert and P.M. Trudeau Visit…

Youtube Reaction to Colbert and P.M. Trudeau Visit…

Who knew? I am more Canadian than Canadians. Who knew?  I am more female than American females or more Female than Canadian females. I do not have to have Matt explain to me what a female is, or who this female is. I actually know.

Who knew that being Polish in Canada as a segregated group puts me a Canadian in bad stead of being Canadian. As long as the Polish President is happy. A mosaic just like Europe.

Why did people move to Canada if you wanted to live a European lifestyle of life? Where is Canada’s identity?

Trudeau’s identity is not my identity as a Canadian. It was the NDP that put in the health care of teeth into our health system,  and further the dentists in Canada will not abide by the new rules, not even in our own town.

I highly doubt Trudeau would understand my horror at kids being shot in schools by either country, the USA or Canada. It is our kids being killed by Politics and division.  Everyone started fighting amongst themselves. Well that is a repeat of European style countries, Asian style lifestyles and exactly why they are warring right now. It is Division. It is not a myth of being together.

Trudeau is a politician who does not understand this Canadian under 1 flag, nor does he understand what division is doing to Canadians and frankly Canadians home grown are moving out lock stock and barrel, to some country where our own patriots live, because Trudeau’s Canada is too expensive to stay here. And the wars are warring factors of groups of men that think their God is right. All mythologies, and nothing biological about biochemistry,  the love molecule. Nothing…Gods as mythologies. That is the warring factor that Polish do not allow into their country, but ours, oh come in and segregate with your mythologies.

Colin is now calling me Myth Ology. instead of Mrs. Hogarth.

What was that interview on Colbert…Pure Myth in a “Reversed Pyramidal Economic Environment,”  where 1% of the world’s population has money. 99% are worker bees that have none. Guess what..Colbert has money. Trudeau has money. That is two males patting each other on the back who have no clue about the 99% of us competing to stay alive. Hello. I am woman, female, xx chromosome binary, heterosexual, independent.

Written by Carolyn d Hogarth….today…Myth Ology, because no Polish will believe their homo sapien. They are Polish and part of the Mosaic. But we cannot be biological organisms living in a biological biosphere. I am not allowed in Canada. I am only a myth Ology even though born in Canada. Not allowed, I am not an immigrant, part of the mosaic. NO!  I am a Russian spy, or another one, an elitist, or another one is I am antisemitism.  All I want is the kids not to be killed and divided over frigging politics, the most toxic discipline ever known to theatre.  CDH


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